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How to wear yoga clothes

K-insights|2023. 4. 27. 18:28




There are so many types of yoga. If you pass by the street, you can find various yoga such as American yoga, flying yoga, ashtanga yoga. I first started yoga 10 years ago on the recommendation of an acquaintance. In addition, I made the first class as a meditation yoga leader education.



The yoga clothes at the Meditation Yoga Center I learned were improved hanbok. I usually like comfortable style clothes, so the modified hanbok was very comfortable. I wore comfortable training clothes, too.

It was a time when there was no Canadian yoga apparel brand Lululemon or Korean yoga apparel brand Andar. If I went to learn yoga for the first time and it was clothes that showed off my body, I think I would have hesitated whether to continue.


However, when I became a teacher of meditation yoga, my thoughts changed a little. When the students were dressed a little tight, they could clearly see their movements.


This is one of the most common questions asked by people who come to the meditation yoga center where I work.

“How should I dress?”

I usually answer like this.

"Just dress comfortably. I recommend wearing loose-fitting clothing so your skin can breathe while doing yoga."


Some yoga centers are 'female only'. I think the more places like this, the more there is a tendency to wear clothes that reveal the body.

When it comes to yoga, I think it comes down to personal preference. If you, like me, don't usually enjoy clothes that reveal your figure, you can choose loose and comfortable yoga or sweatpants.


However, if you want to check yourself in the mirror or have a teacher check to see if you're doing the right moves during class, it can be helpful to wear tight or revealing clothing.


Of course, there are some common things to avoid when choosing yoga attire. It is clothes made of materials with poor 'elasticity'. Like jeans for example. It is recommended to choose clothing made of stretchy material so that you do not feel uncomfortable performing various yoga movements.

After swimming when I was in elementary school, I have never exercised consistently as an adult. Only the meditation yoga I met 10 years ago has been doing it almost every week so far. Shall we start doing yoga? I hope that 'yoga clothes' will not be an obstacle to those who are thinking about it. I hope it helped you fall into the charm of yoga. 😘




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